Sunday 2 March 2014


A : stands from grabbing the attention of the audience . " if you wont give up smoking for your lungs , heart or throat maybe you'll do it for your penis " The message is very eye grabbing to the audience especially for male. The message is made in a larger font compared to the message on the right of the advertisement.

I : this advertisement gives audience the absorption for a brand new knowledge as the slogan already grabbed the attention of the audience. The message placed on the right of the ad has mentioned a very significant information about smoking as the context of the message will appear new to smokers who are ignorant of the cause and damage of smoking to the body. This message obviously stimulates the interest for the audience to continue reading the content of the short message placed.

D : stands for eagerness. This ad clearly states that the misfortune of men who continues smoking. This ad placed their phone number for the audience who are interested in knowing more information.

C : stands for believable. this ad is very believable as not only they place sufficient information on the side effects of smoking they even place their hotline number if audience would want to know more about the side effects on smoking

A : stands for results. In results for this advertisement some audience would consider giving up on smoking and some would neglect the fact that smoking kills.

Conclusion: As for a conclusion of AIDCA stated on the above i think this ad is effective as not only this will impact on men but it will also impact women as well as their companion might also be hooked on smoking after gaining information on smoking she can work together with her partner on quitting smoking

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