Sunday 27 April 2014

Flyer : Predator


  • Type:  Flyer. 

  • Benefit highlighted: consumer benefits that all pests are gotten rid off

  •  Ad’s appeal:  emotional ad appeal is used as some people really do have pest problem at home.

  • What i like about the flyer as it clearly states all of the pest that they can help customers. The visual that have in the flyer is really eye catching as they used an animals eyes to catch attention. With the headline  " predator " gave me the sense of curiosity and made me wanted to take a closer view on the flyer.  The body copy informations states everything that they are experience with plus it even states that they have 25 years of experience. Lastly, the flyer also includes " call to action" as the number is in a larger font than the other wordings in the body copy , website url is also stated right at the bottom of the head office address. In which it is easier for customers to contact them and find out more about them before using Predator's Environmental Services service. 

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